We’ve talked a lot this season about doing things to make your expat life fatter, but are we actually following our own advice? We hit pause on new topics this week to review our discussions so far and see if we are actually following our own advice and the advice of our amazing expat community, or not. Listen in to hear our results so far.

Kirsty has found her 5 new friends and has moved onto finding friends for others, neither of us have followed through yet on our determination to have an expat single to dinner, and we get a detailed breakdown into Kirsty’s expat greenie efforts.

The BabyMac Anne chocolate cake mentioned that Kirsty cooked for the group of 11year old girls and their mothers.

The last Big Fat Expat meetup in Singapore episode.

Thank you to our listeners for a lovely podcast reviews this week – we love to hear from you so keep them coming!

Join us on the socials @TwoFatExpats #twofatexpats #TFElife

Our Favourite Things

Kirsty – The Sounding Board podcast

Nikki – The Crown Season 3, The Crown podcast.