Episode 15 – The Expat Bubble

In this episode of Two Fat Expats we chat about living inside an expat bubble. This article written by Alyssa Abkowitz from the Wall Street Journal focuses on expats need to live in an expat bubble. Kirsty talked about her recent trip to Dubai and being in the expat bubble because she was really just living her every day life. There is a huge difference between travelling through a country and.. Read More

Episode 14 – Expat Sex

In this episode we cover the sometimes taboo subject of sex. We have some hilarious stories to share this episode, so if you like a good laugh this is the one for you. In the Middle East, many websites are quickly blocked whenever you search anything sex related. Now though with VPNs and technology, finding sex online is much easier. That sexy book you’ve always wanted to read? You can now.. Read More

On The Road – Ali Longmate

Hello and welcome to a new series for Two Fat Expats. Our podcast will now be coming to you twice a week. On Mondays you can tune in and listen to our normal format where Kirsty and I discuss all things expat. Thursdays is the day for our new series “On the Road”. Kirsty and I will be interviewing expats both from all over the world, we have some really interesting.. Read More

Episode 13 – The Empty Expat Nest

In this episode Kirsty and Sarah discuss the expat empty nest. What happens when your children go off to boarding school or university. Kirsty shared her personal story of getting ready to send her eldest daughter to boarding school in Australia. You can read more of Kirsty’s story on her blog. A lot of the discussion centered around other people’s reactions and perhaps the best way to deal with negative.. Read More

Episode 12 – Stereotypes

In this episode Kirsty and Sarah discuss stereotypes from different countries and what we as expats and travellers both love and hate about stereotypes in equal measure. This time last week in Australia, the Australian team won the world cup in cricket. The media focussed on two particular events in the press. Apart from the obvious win, and the ticker tape parade. During the game, the Australian wicket keeper put.. Read More

Episode 11 – What do you miss from home?

In this episode Kirsty and Sarah discuss all the things they miss from home. The longer you spend away from home the less material things you miss and you start to miss things like the smell of rain, the sunset in the country or the cicadas making a racket on a summer’s evening. It goes without saying that we miss the 3 Fs the most (family, friends and food). Kirsty.. Read More