The Long Distance Expat – Surviving the Distance – Season One – Episode 24

Hello and welcome to episode 24! It’s Summer holidays on this side of the world so we thought it was a great time to talk about long distance relationships. As expats there are many times we have to be separated from our partners. Visa restrictions, schooling, fly in fly out careers, there are plenty of reasons why at times you’ll be in a long distance relationship. How does that work.. Read More

Should I stay or should I go? The Expat Break – Seasone One – Episode 23

Welcome to another episode of Two Fat Expats. Kirsty is back home in Australia at the beach house soaking up the gorgeous Aussie atmosphere and Sarah is still in Doha enjoying/enduring the last of the stifling heat until Winter in Australia beckons at the end of July. In this episode we are talking about holidays and what they look like for an expat. Do you head to your home country.. Read More

The Best Goodbyes – Season One – Episode 22

How do you have a successful goodbye? The best parties, the best gifts, the best things you’ve received when you left. We discuss all of this and more in today’s episode. How quickly have you had to leave a country? Or have you been packing to leave and then told you’re staying? We shared your stories and talked about our own experiences. Thank you to Sheridan who spoke to us.. Read More

The Scariest Place You’ve Ever Lived – Season One – Episode 21

Where have you lived that you’ve been truly scared. What makes us scared? And why do we still agree to live there? Are our fears warranted and do we get over them? Where’s the scariest place you’ve lived and why? We spoke to Emma who has lived in London, Moscow, Jakarta and Houston. The scariest place she’s lived may just surprise you. We also heard from Teresa who said Haiti was.. Read More