The Two Fat Expats Christmas Special – Season 2 – Episode 11

Hello and welcome to another episode of The Two Fat Expats. Obviously not all expats celebrate Christmas but what does it look like for those who do? Do you head home to see family and friends like Kirsty does each year, or do you stay in your adopted country and celebrate with other expat orphans like Sarah? We spoke to some wonderful expat women who shared their Christmas traditions which are.. Read More

Season 2 – Episode 10 – What’s it like for the parents of expats?

We talk a lot about what it’s like living an expat life but what is it like to be on the other side? The parents who watch their children leave on overseas adventures. Grandparents who see their grandchildren more on Skype and FaceTime than in real life.  A big thank you to Sarah’s Mum, Pip for sharing her feelings and thoughts on being the parent of an expat and also.. Read More