Episode 101, seeking multi currency budgeting apps and I is for Ivanivka

And just like that we’re at Episode 101.  This episode in Geographical challenges we find out Kirsty could have been married to a concert pianist, Expat Tech explores an update on VPNs and Apple TV and in Expat Money we are on the lookout for a great solution for multi currency budgeting apps. In Expat relationships we talk about the additional hurdles to all your relationships, personal, family and education.. Read More

Episode 100!

Two Fat Expats is 100 episodes old! That’s a lot of chatting, giggles and sharing of ideas, tips and interviews on how to live a Fat Expat life. In this milestone episode we cover our regular topics Geographical challenges, Expat Tech, Expat Relationships, Expat Kids and Expat Money but instead of a location, location, location Nikki takes Kirsty down memory lane with some old clips of early episodes. Join us.. Read More