Is your expat experience working against you?

There’s an article doing the rounds of the interwebs this week and causing a lot of discussion in the (especially Aussie) expat world, Thinking of moving overseas for work? Research says you’ll struggle to return. We chatted about the article and being a repat seeking employment in the facebook group and got lots of feedback on personal experiences. Kirsty spoke with Jane about her repatriation and her husband’s job search,.. Read More

New Season, New Friends, How do you find your people?

It’s a BRAND new season and we’re baaaaaackkkkk! Kirsty is looking for 5 new friends for Christmas, after being in Doha for 9 years, she is definitely a ‘stayer’ and a long termer but still in need of new ways to make friends. We break down all the different ways she might be able to do that and asked the Facebook group about the strangest place they’ve ever met a.. Read More

Summer quickie Part 2. Z is for Zambia.

Our summer has been long and full of activity, so we have put together a quick update for you that covers the main activities of Nikki and her family over the last few months. In location, location, location we spoke to Janet who is currently in Zambia. And just like that, the alphabet is done! Join us on the socials with the #’s #twofatexpats and #whereIlistentotwofatexpats Write us a review.. Read More

Summer quickie Part 1. Y is for Yeong San Gu.

Our summer has been long and full of activity, so we have put together a quick update! In location, location, location we spoke to Katherine in Yeong San Gu who is a returnee to Korea so we got to hear her opinion on the second time around. Join us on the socials with the #’s #twofatexpats and #whereIlistentotwofatexpats Write us a review on your favourite podcast app or send us.. Read More