Where are they now?

This week we delved back into past seasons and episodes for updates on those people we have interviewed before. Have you ever wondered what happened to Annabel after her supermarket hold up incident in Johannesburg? What about Valentina who hated Houston? This episode reminds us of when and what happened and gives us all an update on what happened next. Who else do you remember that you want to know.. Read More

I made this! Expats who started something from nothing.

This week we sought out expats from around the world who had made things, businesses they had developed and grown themselves. We had three interviews, Kimberly Starfish Lane Kids, Britta Shirtdresses and more and Tara Oslo Soup and we think we covered a lot of the bases with a mature business (14 years old), a brand new one (just a few months) and a Not For Profit organisation. The Facebook.. Read More

Expat Singles

This week the podcast ventured into unknown territory for Kirsty and Nikki, being expat while single. As they both entered the expat world post partnering, their nearly 40 years of combined expat experience and advice gave them nothing and they had to source the downlow elsewhere. Nikki spoke to Lindsay and Kirsty spoke to Kate separately about their single expat escapades and the interviews are included in this episode. There.. Read More

Expat greenies, is it possible or just a sham?

Another week where a post from our Facebook group generated a huge discussion that launched a podcast topic. Joss posted about what she currently does as an environmentally aware expat in KL and asked others for ideas and tips to add into her own routine. Is it in fact possible to be an Expat Greenie, or does any international air travel you do just cancel it all out? This led.. Read More