Container overboard, stuff in storage, online shopping and expat extracurriculars

Nikki is back from her first international trip in the time of Corona, and it was quite the experience, we discuss. This week’s 4 Fat Questions What do you do if your container goes overboard? How long would you keep an item in storage in your home country? What are your best online shopping tips during Covid? Have you been a long time online shopper? What extracurricular activities have YOU.. Read More

Are you moving this summer, how will you leave well and how will you be greeted at the other end in your new location?

Phew – Kirsty’s son does not have Coronavirus, so the streak of no new cases in South Australia continues. This week’s 4 Fat Questions Boarding schools in other countries, are you reconsidering this for your child/ren given issues around current international travel? If you are moving THIS summer, what additional hurdles are there? Leaving rituals, how have you left places before, how do you leave during Covid 19? How will.. Read More

Would you be an expat protester, who would you pick to double your bubble and does your luggage match?

We talk Mother’s Day 2020 and Germany’s current R number which is creeping over 1.1 right now and may mean changes in Nikki’s future. This week’s 4 Fat Questions Does an expat have the right to protest in their host country? If you were going to double your bubble who would you pick? Would it upset anyone? How important is your luggage to you? Is quarantine fatigue something that expats.. Read More

Covid 19 bingo, online graduation ceremony attire and is anyone really ‘going home’ for summer?

Kirsty’s kids are back to the boarding house, Nikki’s kids are still online learning even though some grades levels at their school have gone back, Covid 19 rolls on into May 2020. This week’s 4 Fat Questions What does one wear to an online graduation ceremony? What have you ticked off in Covid 19 bingo? Is there anyone out there who still thinks they are going ‘home’ for (Northern Hemisphere).. Read More