How does perimenopause affect the expat? And the link to the magic lipgloss.

Our two fat questions are vastly different this week. We cover how will menopause affect my expat life? And then what shall I buy as a hostess gift when I go to stay at someone’s house? Broad enough for you? Seriously though, what do you do if you’re an expat and you think you’re perimenopausal. Is it affecting new friendships? Is it stopping you from doing your job properly? Do.. Read More

Can you keep your job “at home” but still travel?

If you had a chance to have a job in your home country (that you could do from anywhere) or a job locally, what would you choose? What makes more sense? Keeping one leg in the employment market at “home” or getting overseas experience? Does it affect how you settle into your new location? Nikki wants to know how  you follow local media in a new country? Particularly if the.. Read More

Generous Airlines and Expat Re-invention

Nikki gives us an insight into life in Denmark without covid restrictions. Spoiler alert…there was a buffet table! We discuss what airlines are doing to keep customers “on board” . Nikki mentioned this article Do you re-invent yourself with every expat move? Can you do it both professionally and personally? Or is re-invention just an expat myth. Here’s just a few of our favourite things this week: Modern Love.. Read More

Did she just say her clivia had flowered?

Okay I’m just going to put this out there. I talked about my clivia not flowering – and if that sounds really really naughty and rude it’s because you’re possibly not across the beautiful South African native. So if you want a smirk and a school girl giggle listening to me earnestly talk about the excitement of my clivia flowering might be it. Onwards! This week we talked about finding.. Read More