Nikki Moffitt

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Travel timelines, moving things, special items and global mobility slowdowns

Exams are over and Buddy is off to puppy pre-school. This week’s 4 Fat Questions Have your children ever done a travel timeline? How to move items that are too big to go on the plane with you but too expensive to send via courier? Do you have a favourite outfit or personal item from your expat life? Will a global economic slowdown mean a global mobility slowdown? Things we’re.. Read More

Repatriation during Covid 19, significant birthdays, sending bags and cost of living calculators

It’s sparkling online learning exam week in Hamburg and an exciting new resident has arrived in Port Wilunga. This week’s 4 Fat Questions What do you look for in a cost of living comparison website? Repatriation this year, what will look different? Send my bag or Parcels to go? Significant birthdays during Covid? The book website – From a Birdie, the aggregator sending parcels / packages website –, Cost.. Read More

Carrying desktop computers, kids changing hemispheres, expat funerals and are International Schools as diverse as they appear?

Kirsty mentions something about the ‘football’, and it sounded pretty exciting to her. Also the TFE Fatterati AFL tipping competition re-starts this week, find the link and details in the facebook group. This week’s 4 Fat Questions How do you move your desktop computer, hand baggage, checked or container? When you change hemispheres do your children jump forward six months or settle in for six months? Have you been to.. Read More

Expat kids in local schools, what to take to quarantine, first time expat mistakes and shipping in the time of Covid.

Nikki’s kids return to school but not quite the same way as Kirsty’s, another reminder of our different Corona worlds. This week’s 4 Fat Questions If your child goes to school in another country, how do you deal with things you don’t agree with? 14 days in Quarantine as it is done in Australia now (put in hotel room for the entire time), what would you pack to take in.. Read More

Container overboard, stuff in storage, online shopping and expat extracurriculars

Nikki is back from her first international trip in the time of Corona, and it was quite the experience, we discuss. This week’s 4 Fat Questions What do you do if your container goes overboard? How long would you keep an item in storage in your home country? What are your best online shopping tips during Covid? Have you been a long time online shopper? What extracurricular activities have YOU.. Read More

Are you moving this summer, how will you leave well and how will you be greeted at the other end in your new location?

Phew – Kirsty’s son does not have Coronavirus, so the streak of no new cases in South Australia continues. This week’s 4 Fat Questions Boarding schools in other countries, are you reconsidering this for your child/ren given issues around current international travel? If you are moving THIS summer, what additional hurdles are there? Leaving rituals, how have you left places before, how do you leave during Covid 19? How will.. Read More

Would you be an expat protester, who would you pick to double your bubble and does your luggage match?

We talk Mother’s Day 2020 and Germany’s current R number which is creeping over 1.1 right now and may mean changes in Nikki’s future. This week’s 4 Fat Questions Does an expat have the right to protest in their host country? If you were going to double your bubble who would you pick? Would it upset anyone? How important is your luggage to you? Is quarantine fatigue something that expats.. Read More

Covid 19 bingo, online graduation ceremony attire and is anyone really ‘going home’ for summer?

Kirsty’s kids are back to the boarding house, Nikki’s kids are still online learning even though some grades levels at their school have gone back, Covid 19 rolls on into May 2020. This week’s 4 Fat Questions What does one wear to an online graduation ceremony? What have you ticked off in Covid 19 bingo? Is there anyone out there who still thinks they are going ‘home’ for (Northern Hemisphere).. Read More

This is my Covid 19 Life – Stories from the Fatterati

Here are our stories. Gathered from our podcast listeners and members of our Two Fat Expats facebook group. We have compiled messages from Fatterati based around the world. Listen to stories from Switzerland China Vanuatu Singapore Germany PNG / Australia US – including Texas and Puerto Rico Thank you to all that contributed! We love to hear and share everyone’s stories. Got an update to your current situation? Send it.. Read More

Tax implications at home during Covid 19, would you ‘go home’ for medical issues and are you an expat planner?

ANZAC day is over and the Covid Safe App launches in Australia, this week Germany mandated masks for wearing in supermarkets and smaller shops which are now open. This week’s 4 Fat Questions What are the tax implications for expats who have been sent home and are in their own countries? If I wasn’t an expat would I be such a big planner of all the stages of our lives?.. Read More

Expat sweet spot, your biggest regret and quarantine pantry essentials.

Time marches on, lockdown or not. The stunning spring weather continues in Hamburg and it sounds not too bad at the beach in South Australia either. This week we did a Facebook live and recorded this podcast the next day. So much talking to each other, such a treat! This week’s 4 Fat Questions What was your expat sweet spot? What’s your biggest regret about your expat life so far.. Read More

Is this the end of Facebook? The best isolation locations and why you need a fridge list.

It’s Good Friday 2020 in Hamburg and Port Wilunga, but different days in our relative social distancing situations globally. The Covid lockdown continues and so do our conversations around it. Remember we are collecting your experiences too so drop us a voice message from the website or send a voice memo to and tell us about your lockdown story. This week’s 4 Fat Questions: Is this the end of.. Read More

Expat prenups and business trips what could go wrong?

This week we continued our Corona convo, not sure that’s going away as an expat issue for a little while yet. The four fat questions this week dipped into that topic too: If your partner comes home from a business trip in the time of Corona, how does that look? How do you take care of your mental and physical health and wellbeing while expat? Would you suggest an expat.. Read More

Corona and the Fatterati

It’s the biggest thing in world news this week and expats globally may be watching it a bit more closely than the average person or traveller. This episode starts with Erica in Beijing sending her family and friends an audio letter home, in it she shares how she and her family are feeling and dealing with the Corona based restrictions. Then Kirsty speaks with Susan, a member of the Fatterati.. Read More