Nikki Moffitt

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School shock, Australian Capital Gains Tax for expats and U is for Uzbekistan

Have you ever moved and had a WTF moment with your new school? In this podcast we discuss why new schools might be just as challenging as going from one recycling bin in one country to ten recycling bins in another. Kirsty spoke to Duncan about the possible new Capital Gain Tax laws for Australians (disclaimer – this was not financial advice, only a casual convo about what might happen),.. Read More

2019, Introducing Mr X and S is for Singapore

This week we’re back baby! Happy New Year Fatties, hope you are having a good one so far. We talked MYP Personal Projects, you can listen to Nikki’s son’s audio project here. We also introduced Mr X to the crew. Listen in and see what he has to say about Expat money and send your us your questions for him to answer. In location, location, location Nikki spoke to Kelly.. Read More

Expat Christmas, how to leave well and R is for Rosario

This week we spoke about our expat Christmases and a northern vs southern hemisphere celebration. We talked some more about Nikki’s current favourite read Safe Passage Across Networks and how a student can ‘leave well’ from a school. There was also an exciting announcement about Mr X joining the podcast in the new year to help us and our listeners in our Expat Money segment. In location, location, location Nikki.. Read More

Same sex expat life, seasonal weather changes and Q is for Qatar

This week Kirsty spoke with Sarah and Kim, a same sex expat couple living in Germany about their expat life. Kirsty made us squirm thinking about our filthy dirty computers and Nikki looked at ways to track your subscriptions, across countries and currencies.  We learned about how the weather does change (most of the time) and Enida dialled in a review of those 800 lamb chops. In location, location, location.. Read More

We ban some words, talk international fairs and go to Paris

Expats are called and self identify as a lot of things, we’re going to actively stop using a few of them. It’s time. We chat about why. How do different schools and environments celebrate their international-ness. How many nationalities at your international school?  Kirsty’s life detox is making us think about how tech is enmeshed in our lives and how we can take a little bit of control back, if.. Read More

Career re-start and your expat marriage, technology can be a superpower and O is for Oman

We talk about International School camp dilemmas and the impact culture has on how comfortable our kids are in attending. If you are re-starting your career after a break and your family has a different dynamic, does it put pressure on your relationship and what you can do about it.  In expat tech we talk about how powerful technology is as a tool for everyone but expats in particular. In.. Read More

Daylight Saving, Graduation and N is for Nairobi

In this episode we have a discussion about daylight saving and what Europe thinks about that, hint Nikki is not happy. Kirsty, fresh off the plane from Australia has a new high school graduate and there’s also baby news.  In expat tech we have a closer look at a time tracking and contractor payment tool, Hubstaff. Expat money looked at loans and pre-approvals and why they might be a good.. Read More

Remote workers changing timezones, all those phone sim cards to manage and M is for Moldova

In this episode we have a discussion about remote work and portable careers, what is the best model and which format works for you best? Loads of Fatties from our Facebook group shared their stories on this front on what they do and what works (or not) for them.  In Expat relationships we talk about how holidays might seem better in retrospect, it’s good to look back at the photos later.. Read More

Do you speak the same cultural language as your school, are holidays better on reflection and L is for LA

This episode begins with a lengthy discussion about schools, the differences between primary and upper schools in an international environment and if you speak the same cultural language as the one your school does, and if that matters. In Expat relationships we talk about how holidays might seem better in retrospect, it’s good to look back at the photos later and maybe forget the trickier bits with a bit of.. Read More

International wills, caring for ageing parents remotely and K is for Kigali

This episode contains an update on Helen’s baby shower, spoiler, it was great, Nikki goes to see U2 in Germany, spoiler, it was a bit strange. In Expat relationships we talk about the complexities of caring for ageing parents remotely and tips on how to talk to your family members about the situation.  Expat tech exposed Nikki and Kirsty’s different use of the tab feature and while Nikki advocated for.. Read More

Baby showers abroad, Expat tax in the Netherlands and J is for Jakarta

Kirsty had four babies in four countries but did she have any baby showers? Expat Tech closes the story, for now, on Kirsty’s Apple tv and in Expat Money we interview, Andrew in the Netherlands on proposed changes to taxes for expats living there. In Expat relationships we talk about the complexities of being diagnosed with a life altering illness while living away from your home country and how that.. Read More

Episode 101, seeking multi currency budgeting apps and I is for Ivanivka

And just like that we’re at Episode 101.  This episode in Geographical challenges we find out Kirsty could have been married to a concert pianist, Expat Tech explores an update on VPNs and Apple TV and in Expat Money we are on the lookout for a great solution for multi currency budgeting apps. In Expat relationships we talk about the additional hurdles to all your relationships, personal, family and education.. Read More

Episode 100!

Two Fat Expats is 100 episodes old! That’s a lot of chatting, giggles and sharing of ideas, tips and interviews on how to live a Fat Expat life. In this milestone episode we cover our regular topics Geographical challenges, Expat Tech, Expat Relationships, Expat Kids and Expat Money but instead of a location, location, location Nikki takes Kirsty down memory lane with some old clips of early episodes. Join us.. Read More