Kirsty had four babies in four countries but did she have any baby showers? Expat Tech closes the story, for now, on Kirsty’s Apple tv and in Expat Money we interview, Andrew in the Netherlands on proposed changes to taxes for expats living there. In Expat relationships we talk about the complexities of being diagnosed with a life altering illness while living away from your home country and how that might look in relation to obtaining a diagnosis and the where and how on the treatment and other issues involved.

In location, location, location Nikki spoke to  Ann-Maree in J is for Jakarta.

Ann-Maree’s podcast recommendation – My mum says my memoir is a lie and her BBC tv rec Bodyguard

Links to further info and resources discussed by Andrew on expat tax issues in the Netherlands, the GoFundMe effort,, I am Expat info page on the changes and another article of interest and explanation from iamamsterdam.

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Books, Movies, Telly, Podcasts and Food


Movie – Goodbye Christopher Robin


Telly –  Facebook watch – Sorry for your loss

Podcasts – All the ones with Leigh Sales talking about her book, Any Ordinary Day. No Filter with Mia Freedman, Conversations with Richard Fidler and Chat 10, looks 3 with Annabel Crabb


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