Okay I’m just going to put this out there. I talked about my clivia not flowering – and if that sounds really really naughty and rude it’s because you’re possibly not across the beautiful South African native. So if you want a smirk and a school girl giggle listening to me earnestly talk about the excitement of my clivia flowering might be it.


This week we talked about finding a new home and the trust required when you’re making a decision in one country and the apartment you’re choosing is in another. And if you’re partnered up how do you stay married through the process? No idea. All I know is one of us had to go through the nightmare of lining up meetings with several different real estate agents after work, while the other was looking at grainy videos trying not to sound like an ungrateful gnat. Is there a window in that kitchen? No? Oh. Yep. Okay. Yeah of course, none of them have windows? “I’m sure it will be fine” said with the wrong inflection point is never good for a relationship.

We also talked about International Groups, activity nights for newbies, and Nikki’s foray into finding new friends.

Some of our favourite things:

Ted Talk on Grief

Modern Love Season 2

Life – BBC

Abba on Tik Tok

The Chair – Netflix

Clickbait – Netflix

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