Welcome to our first live audience podcast recorded in Singapore – yes yes Kirsty was in Singapore in 2016 but it was a 4 kids, 20 suitcases and a beagle reading whereas this was the full package!

The theme of the evening was friends. Kirsty asked Nikki will she have to change the way she recruits friends upon repatriation. What will be different? Nikki asked Kirsty How will you replenish or change up your friendship group post covid now that you have quite a defined time split between countries?

We then talked all things expat friendships before giving our three favourite things.


The Kelce brothers and their mother Donna.

Here’s the video of her post game

Bullet Train:

This NYT article about why men find it so hard to make friends


That 90’s show

Offline – Jon Favreau – Interview with Dr Robert Waldinger (the Good Life – Lessons from the Longest Study on Happiness)

Pivot – Scott Galloway – Friendship Aside