Where have you lived that you’ve been truly scared. What makes us scared? And why do we still agree to live there? Are our fears warranted and do we get over them? Where’s the scariest place you’ve lived and why?

We spoke to Emma who has lived in London, Moscow, Jakarta and Houston. The scariest place she’s lived may just surprise you.

We also heard from Teresa who said Haiti was the most scariest place she’s lived and the reasons why may be different to what you imagine.

You Tube Pick: Jim Jefferies is an Australian comedian who has a very funny take on gun control in the States. A very big word of warning DO NOT WATCH THIS if you are at work or with young children as there is a lot of swearing involved. You can view the video here.

Sarah’s Blog Pick: A Girl and her Passport – Tiffany is a Doha based travel blogger. She’s part of our BloggingME community. I loved her recent post on medical emergencies whilst flying.

Kirsty’s IG Pick: @theoverdressed Bahrain based fashion blogger Dana Al Khalifa shares her amazing sense of style.

Sarah’s Movie Pick: Men, Women and Children. I think every parent should watch this movie. Directed by one of my favourite’s Jason Reitman (Juno, Up In The Air) it’s a look into the dangers of the online world and social media.

This got us talking about a website out there called Omegle where you can talk to strangers online. This is a site all parents should be aware of.

Thank you to everyone who tunes in each week. We would love you to head on over to iTunes and leave a rating and review. Alternatively, head on over to our Facebook page and say hi.