Kirsty has an unequal family split across countries and it’s not all beer and skittles. Cindy sent us a message about why reflection is important. Nikki spoke to Mr X about the buckets, what to put in them, where to keep them and what to do first. Listen in and let us know if you have follow up questions and we’ll get an answer for you.

In location, location, location we spoke to Sarah in Tokyo.

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Sarah’s book recommendation- The Happiness Project

Write us a review on your favourite podcast app or send us a message from our website.

Reading, Movies, Telly, Podcasts and Food


Reading – Internet trolls aren’t who I thought, they’re even scarier – Ginger Gorman

What happens when someone dies on a plane

Listening – We’ve got this: Parenting with a disability

Watching – The Superbowl, Tom Brady clip GOAT


Watching – Green Bookand the Green book controversy article

Podcast – The Dropout

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