Welcome back to Season 3 – Episode 22 of Two Fat Expats, where we believe everyone should live a fat expat life. This week is part two of our special two part episode on Adult TCK’s. So many amazing Third Culture Adult’s sent in their stories to us to listen to, we didn’t want to edit them down too much or to miss any so we are making this a two episode topic. Every one is different and unique, just as all the TCK’s we currently know and love are. We hope you enjoy listening to their stories as much as we did, also a short and perhaps controversial discussion about Labels.

Here’s the links to the social media discussed in this episode:

Kirsty’s social media

Podcasts – Recode/Decode – How you get addicted to Apps

Related articles – How Technology Hijacks People’s Minds – From a Magician and a Google Design Ethicist 

Watching – Tristan Harris Ted Talk  (from podcast and related articles above). You Can’t Ask That 

Social Media – 5 Films about Technology (also on Youtube in case this link doesn’t work)

Nikki’s social media

Watching – Scandal after nearly giving it the flick

Podcasts – The Moth (podcast and Youtube Moth StorySlam) Particular episode mentioned was Three Chefs and a Meal. Mad World, the episode with Prince Harry

Social Media – 82 year old Japanese Grandma DJ

Thanks for listening to this episode. As mentioned if you have feedback for this episode or ideas for new episodes you can email us at twofatexpats@gmail.com. For iTunes, a rating / review or to hit subscribe.  You can also come and say hi on our Facebook page or send us a voice message from the button on the web page. We also are on Instagram @TwoFatExpats,Twitter @TwoFatExpats and of course Snapchat TwoFatExpats. We love to hear from our listeners!